Friday, December 19, 2008

Merry... Holidays

As you know, we all just got off school and are into break. However even in labling this as the "holiday break" brings attention to one of the most dangerous politically correct times of year. This season has become famous for white lights, 'holiday trees,' and 'winter' themed parties. What I wanted to ask is do you think we, as a society, are taking this PC concept of the holidays too far? I understand that to represent one belief may isolate and feel as though it pushes out belief, but being in IB I think we've really tries to make it a point to incorporate different cultures and beliefs, not simply refuse to mention all beliefs all together. But obviously religion, and one group of people questioning anothers can be very, very precarious subject. Are we doing the right thing by censoring so much during this time of year? Or should re-consider what should and shouldn't be allowed?
-Flip Senn

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

IB Elitism

Okay, so there have been no student posts for almost a month now, in fact, about one day and 1.5 hours after this will be posted, it will have been for a month. Maybe we have nothing to say or wonder about, I don't know. At any rate, instead of silence, how about some odd self-analysis and judgement? I have heard from IB and Non-IB kids alike that there is a certain sense of elitism in and around our beloved program. Is there truth to this accusation? If such an attitude existed, is it justified, or if it exists has the majority of the IB community earned this sense of elitism? What does this elitism, or even this accusation (accusation is a bad word to use here because it implys wrongness which is not my intention, but I can think of no other that is more appropriate) of elitism mean about us and our accusers on an ethical or moral level? Thoughts, comments or further questions?

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

The IB Community Theme

Click here to see what the rest of the IB world is doing to address the issues identified in the Community Theme. Trust me, you are going to amazed by the amount of information, resources and examples of activites that have already been added. There are questions to consider, blogs to read, forums to participate in, challenges to become involved in... Take some time and browse around.

Ultimately, we would love for you to register and and start sharing your own ideas and activities. Remember, it's called "community" for a reason!